Nova, our apricot girl from this litter, will be headed to K9s for Warriors with a puppy raiser to begin the long journey to becoming a much-needed service dog. When we considered the ideal environment for Nova - one with perpetual training, novel experiences, lots of socialization, and a relationship with someone she could "coexist" with - we realized she would make a great SD candidate. Her quick, confident but willing temperament is just icing on the cake!

Nova is a beautiful girl with great conformation and a nice balanced pace, is a quick study and is eager to learn. She's confident and smart and will do well in anything that puts her out in the world with people. in obedience training, dog sports, and other activities that people can do with their dog. She'll need more than just a game of fetch in the backyard. She's going to need a social person who she can "coexist" with and who can keep her occupied both mentally and physically. Someone who likes to go out and do things with their dog (think hiking, dog sports, volunteer work, etc.), who provides frequent learning challenges and adventure opportunities would work well with Nova. Nova is not available.

NO LONGER AVAILABLE Big Atlas is the largest of this litter. He likes to be where the action is but doesn't necessarily want to be the center of attention. He is an independent boy who isn't afraid to tell you what he wants. He's the first to wake and the last to fall asleep, always ready to be part of something.
We expect he will mature to around 70lbs assuming he is not neutered until he matures. He is a deep, rich brown which should mature to a dark cafe au-lait color.